Mark your calendar to join me tonight (Wednesday),April 21, at 6pm in the lounge area of the Hyatt Hotellocated on Gainey Ranch in Scottsdale.

My Special Guests this week are Mr. Edward Ribadeneiraand Mr. Randy Wahl of the Law Offices of Wahl & Ribadeneira.Located at 4110 N. Scottsdale Rd., Suite 165, Scottsdale, AZ85251 they may be contacted at (480) 874-1313.

Wahl & Ribadeneira think of themselves like an old familydoctor that you call first when you need legal advice. If youneed legal advice outside of their expertise they will referyou to a specialist. Wahl & Ribadeneira are General CivilPractitioners with emphasis on Estate Planning and Civil Litigation.Regarding estate planning their unofficial slogan is, "you neverknow, when you're gonna go!".

Mr. Wahl is from Southern California where he earned his undergraduate degree in History with a minor in Economics from theUniversity of California at San Diego and went on to obtain hislaw degree from California Western School of Law.

Mr. Ribadeneira attended the University of Arizona for his undergraduate degree in Marketing with a minor in General Business.He went on to obtain his law degree from the California WesternSchool of Law.

Wahl & Ribadeneira are able to help you with Wills, LivingTrusts, Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Family LimitedPartnerships, Corporate and Limited Liability Companyformations, Private Placement Offerings, Probate, and CivilLitigation.

It is with great pleasure that Mr. Edward Ribadeneira andMr. Randy Wahl of Law Offices of Wahl & Ribadeneirawill be my Special Guests this week.

Please plan on joining us to socialize and meet new friends!

For more information and a map to the Soiree see: