Mark your calendar to join us Wednesday, September 27, at 6pm upstairs in the VIP Room of Sanctuary. This Wednesday marks the SECOND ANNIVERSARY of our very successful Soiree's and is also the first Wednesday prior to my BIRTHDAY (September 28). And so...this week our 104th Special Guest is..Me! Baron Benham AKA Investment Advisor.

To contact Me:
Call: 480-949-7331

Hosting the Soiree's with Katrina the past two years has been both a labor of love and great fun! As a social event the Soiree provides a means for folks to get together in a non-threatening, non-pressured environment to have fun and pursue their interests. Those interests vary from person to person with many Soiree'rs having multiple interests. Katrina and I have benefited greatly both professionally and socially from the many friends we have made as have our Special Guests and fellow Soiree'rs.

We have been hard at work on our web site so that all of you may benefit still further from the Soiree. We have now archived all prior Special Guests with a handy Soiree index. Our Soiree index links to that Special Guests Soiree invitation which tells you all about that Special Guest and provides you with their contact information. Special thanks to everyone for participating in the Soiree and referring your friends to join us.

We look forward to our 3rd year and all the many new friends we will be making. I wish to give a Special Thanks to Katrina for without who's help each week the Soiree's would not be possible.

It is with great pleasure that I, Baron Benham, will be our 104th Special Guest celebrating both the SECOND ANNIVERSARY OF THE SOIREE and my own 39th BIRTHDAY! Please join us to socialize and meet new friends.

For more information and a map to the Soiree see: