Who is Colonel Pepper!   Meet Colonel Pepper View Pics Here!
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Yes we may never forget the blast we had onboard the 105' Yacht "Empress". And of the 166 greatest people to ever come aboard the Empress was the one and only Colonel Oliver Wimbleton Pepper IV ESQ BMI!

You may be wondering Who is Colonel Pepper . Well, we are all wondering where he is! So far he has not signed in on our Survivors Maritime Manifest. If you see Colonel Pepper please report your sightings promptly. Use our mail room for quick on line messages to Baron Capital Management.

I hope you are enjoying the song "Whiskey In A Jar" it was recorded live at a Grateful Dead concert. You should be hearing Jerry Garcia singing a song about Colonel Pepper.

Now about that hand for our troop of entertainers! A special thanks to the group Spoiled, featuring Sturgis Waters and the incredible singer Krystal Baker. Thanks also too to R. Paige who made a rare musical appearance with his brother Colonel Pepper on behalf of the Yacht Soiree. Remember these fine artists because you saw them here first. Someday you may be saying hey, I knew you when we all came a knockin’ and the yacht began a rockin’!

Links will soon be added so you can hear more music by these fine artists. Here is one that will let you download and play "Colonel Pepper's Last Stand". Compliments of Falling Figs Music, BMI.

Baron B. Benham
Founder & Chief
Investment Advisor

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